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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 67, Issue 2, pp. 305-603

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Rescue of the Quasi-Steady-State Approximation in a Model for Oscillations in an Enzymatic Cascade

Thomas Erneux and Albert Goldbeter

pp. 305-320

The Triple Point Paradox for the Nonlinear Wave System

Allen M. Tesdall, Richard Sanders, and Barbara L. Keyfitz

pp. 321-336

Global Stability for a Virus Dynamics Model with Nonlinear Incidence of Infection and Removal

Paul Georgescu and Ying-Hen Hsieh

pp. 337-353

Sufficient Conditions for Monotone Linear Stability of Steady and Oscillatory Hagen–Poiseuille Flow

Vít Prusa

pp. 354-363

An Asymptotic Framework for Finite Hydraulic Fractures Including Leak-Off

S. L. Mitchell, R. Kuske, and A. P. Peirce

pp. 364-386

Stochastic Differential Delay Equation, Moment Stability, and Application to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Regulation System

Jinzhi Lei and Michael C. Mackey

pp. 387-407

Some Vector Borne Diseases with Structured Host Populations: Extinction and Spatial Spread

Stephen A. Gourley, Rongsong Liu, and Jianhong Wu

pp. 408-433

Analysis of the Dynamics and Touchdown in a Model of Electrostatic MEMS

G. Flores, G. Mercado, J. A. Pelesko, and N. Smyth

pp. 434-446

Boundary-Roughness Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals

Paolo Biscari and Stefano Turzi

pp. 447-463

High Lewis Number Combustion Wavefronts: A Perturbative Melnikov Analysis

Sanjeeva Balasuriya, Georg Gottwald, John Hornibrook, and Stéphane Lafortune

pp. 464-486

On the Wave Structure of Two-Phase Flow Models

Steinar Evje and Tore Flåtten

pp. 487-511

Pattern Formation in an Array of Oscillators with Electrical and Chemical Coupling

Fatma Gurel Kazanci and Bard Ermentrout

pp. 512-529

The Effect of Noise on beta-Cell Burst Period

Morten Gram Pedersen and Mads Peter Sørensen

pp. 530-542

An Optimization Approach to Modeling Sea Ice Dynamics. Part 1: Lagrangian Framework

Helga S. Huntley, Esteban G. Tabak, and Edward H. Suh

pp. 543-560

An Optimization Approach to Modeling Sea Ice Dynamics, Part 2: Finite Ice Strength Effects

Helga S. Huntley and Esteban G. Tabak

pp. 561-581

A Fast and Accurate Moment Method for the Fokker–Planck Equation and Applications to Electron Radiotherapy

Martin Frank, Hartmut Hensel, and Axel Klar

pp. 582-603